Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Good Friends

You know how it feels when you get together with really good friends and have a good time. Well, I had that feeling this weekend. I celebrated and cut the rug with some really good Hmong friends - danced way more than I have since this time last year.

Absolutely love how the Hmong celebrate and appreciate their friends. Good food, good company, and good dancing. But it was hard on my old knees. Here's a shot of some of us doing lamvong, a Lao dance adopted by Hmong. It's such a soothing dance, very slow and graceful.

And then there's the version that's done double time with 6 steps forward and 3 back - and it's a hip and knee killer. And then there's the Hmong version of the electric slide, remember that dance? And then there was the twist. Yes the twist, done to music similar to that played for lamvong - only double time. Oh boy, my sides are still recovering from that one.

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