Friday, February 6, 2009

Eating Local at the Teach In

I'm just all awed ..........

Attended and presented at a Teach In at the local university. Even though it was a long day for me, I'm reinvigorated. Great discussions were had at this teach in!

As part of a panel presentation on how food systems are affected by global warming, I was able to talk about the benefits of eating local. My little part - local foods - is something I'm passionate about. I could speak for days - nonstop - about local foods. Often times when presenting about local foods, I take the twist of talking about the wide array of local foods we have due to migration of peoples and their foods.

For example: Have you heard of Lemon Zinger tea? I love it. One of it's ingredients is lemongrass, a tropical plant - a perennial tropical plant. Lemongrass is now grown in the Midwest.

What?! Yes, when Hmong refugees came here to live, lemongrass came with them. As an adaptation to our climate, lemongrass is grown as an annual. Lemongrass can be found in local gardens and farmers markets each August. Unless, of course, I've beat you to the market and bought all the lemongrass in sight.

Enough cannot be said about all the other wonder meals I'm cooking because I have fresh lemongrass - or lemongrass stashed in the freezer. Lemon chicken: organic local whole chicken, stuffed with lemongrass, local garlic, local onions, sea salt and pepper. Roast. Enjoy.

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